Saturday, June 4, 2016

What Is It Like to Be a Guardian of a Human Size Crystal Skull? Part I

Stop don't walk... this article could change your life as well!

Full Documentary 2016, Since the mid 1920's, the point at which the celebrated "Michell-Hedges Crystal Skull" was found (which is presently being called "The Skull of Love" as was talked about with us by the watchman of this skull, Bill Homann amid our radio meeting toward the beginning of June of 2012) - individuals have gotten to be intrigued with precious stone skulls.

1. How could individuals from primitive societies, for example, the Mayan, Aztec or Toltec utilizing primitive cutting devices make a nearly duplication of the human bone skull as found with "The Skull of Love" (found in Belize in a Mayan ruin in 1924)?

2. Full Documentary 2016, Today present day carvers use jewel tip saws and wheels to make their extremely precise carvings yet such instruments didn't come into accessibility since the 1970's - yet because of the magnificence and polish of "The Skull of Love" - it has for some time been individuals' fantasies to have a comparative sort of skull including yours genuinely.

There was a major level headed discussion for a long time whether a present day carver utilizing cutting edge apparatuses could make such a precious stone skull - well when I was meeting in January of a year ago for a TV narrative (The Truth about the Crystal Skulls) for National Geographic (don't get some information about this show as it truly didn't regard the skulls as the chief guaranteed us) - they had an unmistakable quartz skull of two piece, human size, close in outline of the "Skull of Love". So this is the means by which we found out about the Chinese carvers and that they could make such a skull.

Full Documentary 2016, In any case, hang on - in light of the fact that one makes such an excellent and precise skull - does not imply that this gem skull will be extraordinary or have a vitality as we have involvement with ones like the "Skull of Love" that numerous individuals instinctively feel is an extremely old skull (some individuals have recollections of this skull from Atlantis).

Presently in the event that you have known about the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull ("The Skull of Love") and had addresses or pondered what transpired excellent skull, Mr. Homann let us know in a reason radio demonstrate that this precious stone skull has asked for he, as his gatekeeper keep the skull all the more tranquil and it is right away living in nature imparting a positive vitality to our reality.

Anyway, this article is part I, as we need to acquaint you with the precious stone skull that we got from the Chinese carvers which is a 13 lb, two piece rose quartz skull called "Rosalita". Just about from the day we got "her" (we feel an exceptionally feminite nearness connected to this skull) she has spoken with us clairvoyantly and been conveying an astonishing vitality that has touched such a variety of individuals - the very day we got we did an across the nation go from Washington State (where we live) to North Carolina and back.

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