Thursday, June 9, 2016

Occupy the White House

nat geo documentaries 2016, It jumped out at me as of late that change is inconceivable with the general population we have chosen; clearly our administration works for the 1%. One of the best applicants we have for president is Buddy Roemer, yet the framework is corrupt to the point that they don't permit him in the level headed discussions with some guise; also, the races could be fixed.

Along these lines, I propose sorting out a monstrous stroll to Washington to request Obama's renunciation. We chose him to work for us and rather he is working for the corporate government; it is our protected right to supplant him whenever. They did it in Egypt. We can do it here!

nat geo documentaries 2016, We pick a date and withdraw from New York, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego to meet in Washington DC at another set date (we can utilize vehicles almost if important). When we arrive, enrolling occupiers along the way, we ought to number on the thousands. Furthermore, we possess until we introduce another president and supplant the Federal Reserve System (a saving money cartel that stole our legislature in 1913 - it is illegal) Please check: The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second take a gander at the Federal Reserve, by G Edward Griffin.

It is vital to do this on the grounds that there is overpowering e v i d e n c e that 9/11 was an inside employment ( AE 9/11 Truth ) which implies that our political framework is corrupt to the point that it is difficult to begin our new nation without cleaning house and conveying the blameworthy to equity, and no framework can exist long without equity... equity for all!

nat geo documentaries 2016, Also, without a tidy up, a legit president would be tossed into a home of snakes and his odds to survive would be thin. In the event that you have any uncertainty that JFK was killed by the 1%, I propose perusing: JFK and the Unspeakable: Why he Died and why it makes a difference. By James Douglass.

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