Monday, June 20, 2016

The 2012 Mayan Prophecies and the End of Time

ancient discoveries, We now know the Maya were a to a great degree propelled society that trusted in the recurrent way of time, in light of their master information of divine and physical cycles from the stars themselves. celebrations, harvests and choices inside' the way of life depended on this learning.

A baffling society that flourished somewhere around 300 and 900 BC in quite a bit of what is presently Central America, vanished as fast as it advanced. Another secret encompassing the Mayan-What transpired boundless society?.

ancient discoveries, The Voltec Tribes assumed control over the Mayan legacy, and once the Spanish began the success of South and Central America-The Incas were the last gatekeepers of this legacy. The Spanish Invaders decimated as much as the Inca society as they could blazing old records, and plundering and purifying down heavenly protests for gold. Be that as it may, they couldn't crush the old Mayan Calendar.

The end of time for the Mayan logbook is the 21st December, 2012. This is not a common date. Present day Astronomers concur that on this date the winter solstice sun will be nearly in conjunction with the Galactic equator. Our Sun without precedent for a long time is going to adjust to the focal point of the Milky way.

ancient discoveries, How could a "primitive and agnostic" society as indicated by the intruders who attempted to pulverize it, and large portions of today's cynics anticipate an astounding occasion more than 2200 years prior?.

An occasion even our present day crystal gazers just thought about after they scrutinized the dates on the old Mayan Calendar. This inquiry is driving numerous individuals to trust, that maybe there is something a great deal more in the present Mayan predictions.

At present more than six billion individuals live on our planet, a planet now undermined with the impacts of a dangerous atmospheric devation, and overpopulation. As our oceans rise, grounds are lost. Profitable terrains that are our homes, and all the more essentially places that develop nourishment so there is most likely some unwelcome changes may happen later on.

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